About Us

About Us
Born in 92′ but sure to belong in the 60′, constantly torn between love of food and starting a diet. A staunch but unconventional architect who grew up between an internship in NY and a master’s degree in Architecture for Food.
Curious about the world but in love with her Romagna. She worked for a few years in the world of Luxury retail, but as soon as she realized that that world did not belong to her, she decided to follow together with Veronica the world of Architravel: a guide for all lovers of good food and special events. The right approach? Leaving you speechless.
Proponent of the theory of Serendipity. Positive, sunny, stubborn and detail-oriented.
Class of 92, born in Urbino but adopted from Romagna. Looking forward to being able to combine design with an unbridled passion for restaurants, compile endless Wish lists of locations to visit in Romagna and around the world.
In between an internship in NY, a photography course and a wedding planner certificate, he and Giulia founded Architravel, a travel journal followed by many food and travel enthusiasts. She loves to amaze those around her by organizing moments to enjoy with others.
Inexhaustible source of enthusiasm, addicted to the sea, ice cream and the smell of laundry. Forbidden to touch her hair. Determined, curious, resourceful and super-organized.